
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hire you or buy something from you?

Unfortunately I’m not taking on new animation or illustration contracts for the foreseeable future. I also don't have a shop or merchandise for sale at this time. Check back from time to time or follow me on Twitter @Biocinematics and Instagram @Biocinematics and you’ll likely see any updates there. However, if something I’ve made has benefited you in a significant way, you can always chip in a few dollars via Buy Me a Coffee. Thanks!

Can I request a video topic or tutorial?

Sure! I can't guarantee to make it (and my current situation is very limiting in terms of video production), but I'm always interested to hear what topics people want to learn about. Send me a message via the contact form. Also please note that I won’t necessarily be able to credit you (although I will try) nor will I share potential revenue from shared ideas; by suggesting an idea, you are giving permission for me to use it without qualifications.

What is a biomedical communicator?

Someone who informs and engages people about biology and medicine through the use of visual media. The “people” can be doctors, patients, researchers, students, or the general public. The “media” can be illustrations, photographs, animations, games, apps, websites, and likely many others.

Where did you get your training?

I received a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology at the University of Victoria. I learned how to program while working as a bioinformatician. I learned how to make computer animations initially on my own, through web tutorials, books, and experimentation. Subsequently I received a Masters of Science in Biomedical Communications at the University of Toronto. I continue to learn through various avenues: on the web, through colleagues, and by doing fun personal projects. Oh, and I can’t forget the stellar grade school education that kicked off my passions.